Ong namo guru dev namo including meditations
Ong namo guru dev namo including meditations

ong namo guru dev namo including meditations

Laura Kalinski, yoga instructor for the New Lenox Park District, follows the teachings of the now deceased guru, Yogi Bhajan, who considered Kundalini Yoga a Raj Yoga (a royal path), because it combines all the traditional “eight limbs” of yoga together. So what is Kundalini Yoga? Often associated with Tantra Yoga, Kundalini Yoga is considered the fast way to enlightenment (becoming “god”). Yoga is the path used to remembering, and eventually becoming, our Higher Self (god), breaking a continuous cycle of karma (cause & effect) and reincarnation (deaths & rebirths). The Sanskrit word for yoga is “yuj,” meaning “union.” It’s through the practice of yoga that Hindus believe they can experience their own divinity (called Self-realization or God-realization) as they unite with Brahman – the universal, divine, energy force found within all creation they call “God.” Our problem, complains the guru, is that we forgot who we are. As former Indian guru Rabi Maharaj explained, “There is no Hinduism without Yoga and there is no Yoga without Hinduism.” Over a period of time, their world-view begins to change, and gradually, a different view of who God is, begins to emerge. Those unaware of the spiritual nature of yoga, however, have often been subtly initiated into Eastern/occultic mysticism. Gurus know yoga is much more than a physical exercise. Along with its companion, Transcendental Meditation, taught by the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, yoga was quickly sold to Westerners as a great way to reduce stress, build self-esteem, heal the mind and body, and experience the interconnectedness of all creation. Blavastky, based its headquarters in Wheaton, IL making a combination of Hinduism and other occult/mystical Eastern religious literature more available to Westerners.ĭuring the 60’s and 70’s, a surge of gurus (men claiming to be gods) traveled from India to America on a mission to convert the West to Hinduism. In the 1920’s, the Theosophical Society, co-founded by the famed Russian occultist, Helena P. Hinduism made a splash in the United States at the 1893 World Parliament of Religions held in Chicago, IL where Swami Vivekananda extolled its virtues as he called for the religions of the world to unite under its philosophy. It’s assumed that masters of yoga possess occult powers such as telepathy, ESP, clairvoyance, levitation, and mediumistic abilities.

ong namo guru dev namo including meditations

These writings are claimed to have been “channeled” by the sages who were considered “seers,” god-men with super-human powers capable of dematerializing and shape-shifting. The practice can be found in the Upanishads, which comprise the last part of the oldest religious Indian writings recorded, the Vedas, and in the Hindu favorite, the Bhagavad Gita, composed by the revered sage, Vyasa. The Vedic sages have been credited for the development of yoga. Their religion was Vedism, which evolved into Hinduism. Yoga is an ancient Hindu/occult spiritual discipline that can be traced back to the Indo-European people who lived in India during the 2nd millennium, B.C. What is Kundalini Yoga? Where did it come from? Why is it used? What are the risks involved? Who is the instructor? Such a promise of healing carries great responsibility and necessarily raises a few questions. The ad in the park district’s brochure assures the participant that through the use of movement, sound current, breath and meditation, Kundalini Yoga “brings a greater feeling of well-being and happiness” and can “heal your mind and body.” While the mission of the New Lenox park district Board of Trustees is to provide “safe recreational opportunities” for residents, the ad does not make one aware of the potential physical, mental and spiritual dangers many yoga instructors warn about. This summer, classes in Kundalini Yoga have been made available through the New Lenox Community Park District to members of the growing Illinois community.

Ong namo guru dev namo including meditations